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Hells Canyon Autocross, Racing, Lewiston, Idaho, Cars, Sports Cars
Hells Canyon Autocross is a new local autocross group that aims to provide a fun and competitive environment for car enthusiasts to test their driving skills and connect with like-minded individuals. The group is open to drivers of all skill levels and will host regular events in the Lewiston, Idaho area.
First Place, Second place, Third Place, Autocross, Racing

2025 Autocross Schedule

March 1st, 2025
March 23rd, 2025
April 13th, 2025
May 3rd-4th, 2025 (2-Day Event)
May 24th-25th, 2025 (2-Day Event)
June 21st-22nd, 2025 (2-Day Event) 
July 5th-6th, 2025 (Season Finale) (2-Day Event)

What is Autocross?

Autocross is a form of car racing where drivers navigate through a course defined by traffic cones on a large paved area such as a parking lot or airport tarmac. At these events, rather than face multiple cars in a wheel-to-wheel race, participants go through the course one at a time as a computer clocks them.

Event Day Schedule

Race Day Details

Gates open 7:00 a.m.

Tech Inspection 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m.

Drivers Meeting 8:15 a.m.

Course walk 8:30 a.m.

Racing starts at 9:00 a.m.

These are all day events so be prepared to stay. Pack a good lunch, bring plenty of water, bring warm clothes as well as something to keep you dry if rain happens.  Don't forget to be safe and have a great time!

By participating in this autocross event, you acknowledge that:  

  • You are responsible for the safe operation and mechanical condition of your vehicle.  

  • Other drivers' vehicles may be uninsured and/or unregistered.

  • Hells Canyon Autocross LLC, its officers, instructors, staff, and facility providers assume no responsibility for any accidents or incidents that may occur during this event. Please drive safely and responsibly.

Event requirements:
Driver must be 18+ years of age

Must have own helmet. Snell SA2015, SFI 31.1/2015 or FIA standard 8859-2015 or newer are required

Tech inspection is required.  Click here for tech inspection checklist.

*Tech inspection pass or fail is at the discretion of the Tech Inspectors for safety.  This checklist is a guide to help identify common issues but is not inclusive of all disqualifying issues.

Season Points

- 1st Place: 5 points
- 2nd Place: 4 points
- 3rd Place: 3 points
- 4th Place: 2 points
- 5th Place: 1 point

In the event of a tie, we will have an end-of-season: HEAD-TO-HEAD RACE-OFF!
One run only, winner takes it!


You must participate in a minimum of 6 events!
Stay tuned for more updates. 
Prizes of unspeakable value!  (Jacob's Corolla, Probably)

First Time?

If this is your first time at an autocross, or your first time at Hells Canyon Autocross make sure you are prepared!


General event parking is the gravel lot next to the Lewiston Skid Pad.

Tech inspection takes place in the grid and staging area on the paved side.


Work Assignments:


Be prepared to work the entire event.  Every participant will be given a work assignment at check-in.  You will be assigned to a station and your station Course Lead will teach you what to look for and where be.  By helping to reset cones and watching the course it will help keep everyone safe and help to keep costs downs for events.  Please let us know at check-in if you have any limitations so we can help you stay safe!

Tech Inspection:

Your car must be safe to operate and meet minimum requirements to be on course.  Tires and brakes have to be in good condition, no fluid leaks, seatbelt has to be fully operational, battery securely tied down, and all loose items will need to be removed or tied down.  Make sure to review the tech inspection checklist.


Walk the course:


Guided course walks will take place, but make sure you take as many opportunities to walk the course as possible.  This will help you visualize the course and help you avoid a DNF (Did Not Finish) for missing important obstacles.  Penalties are given for cones you hit, or gates you miss.

Autocross, Hells Canyon Autocross, Racing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I have passengers?

    • One passenger is allowed as long as they are a licensed driver and are wearing approved helmet (Snell SA2015, SFI 31.1/2015 or FIA standard 8859-2015 or newer).

  • Where do I park?​​

    • General event parking is the gravel lot next to the Lewiston Skid Pad.

    • Tech inspection takes place in the grid and staging area on the paved side.

  • How do know what class I'm in?

  • How much does it cost to spectate?

    • Spectating is free!​

  • How do I register?


Our Sponsors

Coming Soon!

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